This is the first post on my new blog about Sports and music. Yes Golf and Guitars all sports and all types of
music. I will be talking about national teams and athletes and also local teams and athletes from around the
west Texas area. On the music side I will mostly be focusing on the local music scene here in west Texas.
Now I would just like to say one thing about the Dallas Cowboys they need a quarterback bad....
The Rangers come on get it going I realize your first time to the dance you are a little scared but you can't be a wall flower and just let it pass you by get out there and kick your heals up and play.
In golf I am looking forward to next week and seeing if losing the number one spot will spur Tiger Woods to start playing again he has been play in lame this year. It is understandable golf being a confidence game and
losing your wife and kids is a big blow to ones confidence know matter how it happened even self induced.
Congratulations to Lee Westwood on becoming the new number one in pro Golf.. well deserved a steady