This is off topic but the election was yesterday and the people have spoken again help we need jobs we need growth we need the economy to make a come back this is the same cry for help displayed in 2008 went the people elected Obama We need change!!! We need change!!! That is all I hear I don't hear anyone talking about what to do to fix the economy. The Republican Reptiles give money to the rich and they will spend and the trickle down effect will put money in everyone's pocket.that works for the rich......
The Democrats Dogs they are so loyal and compassionate they want to help everybody Tax the rich and give to the poor the Robin Hood complex The problem is Like Thomas Jefferson said democracy will work until someone gets enough money to buy the system and that is where we are now big business owns our government and has beginning after World war two. So it does not matter what Party is elected they can't change nothing they do what they are told and if they don't someone else is elected in there place. Come the next election Its like health care the Insurance Company's The Drug Company's The Medical Industry there is no way we will ever have health care in America they are to rich to let that happen.
A kid hear in town had a wreck on a four wheeler broke her leg broke her back dislocated her hip she was in the hospital two months $ 200,000 bill they had insurance payed 80% 20% out of pocket $40,000
don't have the money the hospital puts a len against there house that is health care in america. That is why they don't want to fix it they are getting rich..In another two years we will elect another whipping boy who wants to go down in history as President of the United States. And the rich get richer and the poor get poorer and that is the way it will always be.
well said! our current situation is so tragic. It is just so sad how the things and stuff we have bought in return we have sold our souls and values... No matter what your affliation, to be the last Civilized Coutnry in the world to have Not for Profit Universal Health care is a shame and embarrassment to the people. That and our lack of a living wage to compensate for how much things cost.