With the elections right around the corner this blog is going to shift gears a start addressing some of the issues and candidates for the 2012 presidential election. I am not going to talk about every little rich boy who is running only the ones who actually have a chance to win as if it mattered to the American public. Most people know big money runs this country and has for ever and it will elect who ever they won't and the people have no say what so ever. That being said it is still a horse race and Joe Publico does care about that. Who doesn't enjoy a good sporting event or a good race. There is the drama of winners and losers and those like Sarah Palin who went to the party and stayed to long and is now drunk on political power or the allure of political power Sorry honey it's not going to happen. for you!!!! Rick Perry please someone tell him if his head gets any bigger it will pop. President Perry that sounds like PP to me. Obama can he get reelected? When you can't get one thing done in 4 years I don't think so But hey you have to knock the champ out to win so he does have the advantage...Those are the three that I dislike the most so those are the ones I will talk about the most. And the issues well they don't really matter who ever wins will not do what he says he is going to once the lobbyist tells him he can't do that. Like Obama's health care the insurance companies and the medical profession fixed that.. This is one mans opinion