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Sunday, September 30, 2012


You can't get around it in this life. Your success or failure depends your relationships. If you pick good ones you will do good if you pick bad ones then you are going to be fighting those people your whole life.When you are growing up you have childhood friends you don't think about these people as Allys they are just your friends Now as you get older you realize these are the people who are going to help you make you what you are in this life. Friends are very important. So pick them wisely. Spouses are another relationship you have to pick and this is as important as all the rest. So take you time and try and make sure you know this person before you commit yourself to them...It can be the difference in being happy and not. These are the pickers and they a the most important.
   Now we have all those relationships that you have no say over you know your crazy Uncle Joe everyone says is crazy cause he is.. Grandparents, Aunts Uncles Parents and your neighbors  these people are hardwired into your life through genes or just logistics so get along with them and build bonds and ties with these people. You are there to help them and they are here to help you in some way or another..Children are a whole other ball of wax.You love these people more than anyone else in the world because they are you. And lets face it everyone loves their self the most of all. Then your kids are next in line. Until they start to go there own way and will not do what you tell them any more  This is where the problems between parents and kids arise. They just don't listen to you anymore now they are listening to their peer group and so called friends. So just bit your tongue and go with it until they grow up and grow out of those people. Now go out a form the best bonds and relationships you can so you can live a life as full as you can. One Mans Opinion..                 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fight or Flight

This is programed in to our DNA  When confronted by a situation that evokes fear we react in one way or the other. Stand and fight or run for your life Now on the savannas of Africa this was a pretty easy choice. Most times we being slow relatively small mammals with no large teeth or claws. We better run up a tree and try to get away. But as we became more the masters of our environment the choice becomes more difficult to make. With the stone axe and bow and arrow and spear now the predator starts to look like prey that is so stupid it will come to you.But we still have this fight or flight mentality build into us. And there are times in modern life when this get in our way. Some times you should stand and discuss the problem But you are afraid to so you put it off and put it off. And young people get in to a car accident they are more likely to run from the scene because of fear. Even though it may just be a fender bender no big deal. When you get scared you are programed to run its just that simple. Or fight...And if there is nothing there to fight you run.. So next time you hear of some kid leaving the scene of a accident don't jump to conclusions about their character. They mite of been scared.. One Mans Opinion      

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Rain is such a simple thing.
Water falling from the sky.
It doesn't seem to mean much.
But with out it we would die.

With out muddy mother earth
No plants would ever thrive
With out the world in bloom
No insects could servive.

The rain is just tiny rivers
That run throught everything
In animals it runs red
In plants it always green.

When the rain is falling
It cools the air so slick
The ions are a changing
And your mood will just as quick.

You want to cuddle together.
To brace against the light
The thunder can be deafning
As you love away the night.

Rainy days and love always make you feel better. Tomas Van Go Pearson

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


In this country everyone drives a car. They will drive one block to the store. People do not walk in this country. There is such a disconnection in this country because people don't interact with each other on a day to day basis They are never eye to eye to say hello or just a passing glance at someone of the opposite sex who is attractive. The auto has put us in our own little capsule our identity mobile our tank our shield against the world its great for protection from stray dogs and people. But we have to pay a price for this protection. And the price is we are desensitized to society. So when you get around people you either go wild or you are a wallflower afraid to interact with other people. Your skills at getting along with other people are not as in tune or acute As someone who has grown up in a country where people still walk and talk in public. And are not shielded from one another by a steel box on wheels.  This is not the way it use to be the car was a important tool of the 1900's especially the 20's through the 40's we used the cars and trucks for work. Then starting in the 50's the car became something else it was about style and look not just function anymore it was a rolling motel. It had to be fast. Guys mostly started customizing there cars to reflect their own personalities. Then in the 60's the Manufacturers picked up on this and started producing cars that appealed to young viral men and to older men who still wanted to feel young. With the muscle cars that lasted until roughly the 80's. Then the car was not about who you were. It was more about  what you had accomplished.   Or how greedy you were  Could you afford a Mercedes or a Beamer or a Maserati. Or were you driving a Ford..Now the best selling vehicle is a Truck yes the old work truck is now king of the road.,It does not matter what flavor either Ford Chevy Toyota Dodge. So now a working man has to pay out the you know what for a truck because every little girl and her boy friend are buying them and driving the price up. We need to go electric and walk more and ride bikes more and stop being so disconnected with each other     One Mans Opinion            

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


People are crazy about animals. That is right I don't care if its a dog or a cat or a horse, Humans really enjoy the company of animals Now I can see the first motivation to have them around food. Yes we eat more animals than any other species Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Sheep,and Fish are just a few of the animals we people love to eat. So that is our main attraction to animals. But then on the other hand we like animals for other reasons too. Mostly to work to help us do our jobs. Yes all those animal that are now called pets were at one time or are still our helpers. Dogs are the prize of the pets because they help us hunt and find food and have for millennia. Humans have a very close relationship with dogs. Most cultures will not eat the dog for this reason. Next is cats. Why cats? They are aluff and will not help you do anything. But they will control the mice and rats in there area. And these animal eat our grain and infest our dwellings if not kept in check. So we love cats even though they are free agents so to speak. So we don't eat them either..most places don't. Now we come to Mister Majestic the Horse. Yes this animal took us from being a slow pitiful hunter and turned us into the master of our surroundings With power  speed  height and stamina. .In farming in hunting in war in just everyday transportation  The horse revolutionized Man.........That is why under no circumstance should you ever eat a horse. Your way of life and everything you are is a result of the contributions made by the partnership between man and horse..I know everyone loves their dog but its the horse that really changed the world. Now people will keep almost any animal snakes. birds, alligators what ever but the top three are the ones that enabled us to create civilization. And should be treated with a little more respect on our part. One Mans Opinion             

Monday, September 24, 2012


Their are a lot of people in the world who are hungry everyday.Just living hand to mouth and sometimes it don't reach their mouths. Years ago a group of Rock Stars from mainly Britain and some U.S. players put on a big concert for world hunger and now after raising millions and millions of dollars their is still hunger in the same countries. The people or organizations who are trying to help this problem should take more of a proactive approach instead of a reactive approach. Yes people are starving are you going to feed them for a week or are you going to teach them how to feed themselves for ever. These people live in some of the worst land in the world move them. Buy some tractors and seed and teach them to plant and harvest. Kill all the people who are stealing the food and resources from the people.Go in with troops and stabilize the country then Teach the people to farm and raise animals and fish if they have seaports. Then think about moving some to lands that will sustain them they should be educated and  learn of birth control. These countries are over populated and the land is not able to support them. If all the money that has been given to feed these people over the last 30 years had been spent in this way. We would not have to look at starving baby's on the TV every night. I know these organizations make money off this  with administration cost and fees so the TV ads and mail will continues to come. And people will keep starving and the cycle of abuse will continue. As usual this is just... One Mans Opinion..          

Sunday, September 23, 2012


 Drugs are a important part of the world we live in. Yes without the plants and chemicals that makeup our modern pharmacy. Mankind would be in a sad shape without them. One of the main things would be pain. Pain management with the use of drugs has made great strides in the last few hundred years. Antibiotics are a great life saver with infections. There are all kinds of drugs out there doing great thing for the quality of life. Then on the other hand there are a lot of drugs out there that are just for people to medicate themselves. And in my opinion most people who take these drugs are doing so because they have a chemical imbalance in there brains or their home life and situation is intolerable so they try and escape reality chemically. Human beings are just  chemical and electrical machine moving around this planet  Bouncing off of one another in relationships and work situations And some people find it hard to cope with modern society. The clock is a big problem for some. Be here this time or that time. It starts to wear on some after a while. Noise I don't think humans are good at handling it at the level  the modern world dishes it out. Cars, trains, planes, boats, saws, air compressor, anything with a motor gas or electric. TV radio concerts media noise.  We are constantly surrounded by noise. You can't get away from it. Motion we move so much now here there everywhere always on the, trains, planes, we move faster than we ever have its not natural. We see so much  TV, movies, computers, cell phones we are bombarded by images everyday sometimes all day long and all night. Thank you mister Edison for the light bulb now we can work all day and all night. The food we now enjoy is from all over the world. The tastes and smells are as different as the places they come from. So even our mouths are being overloaded. It is not hard to see this modern world is exposing people to moods and sensations they would normally not be accustomed to. And if you can't get out physically you do so chemically by using some drug to let you escape your reality. So if its Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth, Heroin,or some other chemical. Don't be to hard on people who can't cope with modern society. Everyone uses some type of  chemical to get along in the world..  One Mans Opinion                    

Friday, September 21, 2012


I have never been to China. But I have a felling it is a beautiful country. Its the most populated so there is something happening over there. It must have vast resources to be able to support that many people. And from all the pictures I have seen the landscapes are just marvelous. All the sea ports along its huge coastline. Then the interior with its mountains and valleys and large rivers. And the plains of the north remind me of the plains of the United States just wide open spaces you can see for a hundred miles. Yes this is truly a great country Not only in size and population but also in Majesty.
  The people of China are some of the most lovely in the world. Well mannered respectful hard working. It is no wonder they are becoming one of the planets most powerful economic nations. They have a ability to get along and get things done with out all the fussing and fighting.. I want to think that China is where the United States was in the 50's or 60's just people living a simple life trying to take care of there families and be happy and enjoy their lives..I don't know this I just hope its that way and not a bunch of sweat shops exploiting people. Well anyway here's to China I hope everything is going great for the workers.. One Mans Opinion       

Thursday, September 20, 2012

American Dream

The United States is one of the few countries in the world that will let someone throw off the chains of poverty and be able to live a large life  With hard work, talent, education luck or even crime. A person is able to live a life style that is far superior to that of the rest of the world. Yes big houses nice car fine clothes sexual companionship all these things are there to be bought in this country. If one can obtain the money. Now back in the 50's when the Fraze American Dream was first coined It meant loosely to own your own home and car and have a nice job. A family with the wife staying home to watch the kids and the Man to go and work. And daddy had the money to handle any situation. It was a form of utopia in the minds of the American workers. The nuclear family. The TV show of the 50's and most of the 60's reflect this mind set. The government and big business wanted to keep the workers happy. So with the TV programing they had people believing that this was a good life and is really all they should expect from life. Look if you can get here then that is great. You made it. A 20 thousand dollar a year job a house, a car, kids what more could you want...right  Well then the more monster starts to take over. The keeping up with the Jones effect. Well John and Joan moved to a bigger house out in the country. He got moved up to management he is not a worker anymore. Now they have motorcycles and a house at the lake and John has a girl friend in town. That's why he moved his wife to the country. All of the sudden the American Dream had changed now its all about American GREED get the most you can with out going to jail and some will even do a few years in jail if they can hide the money and get it when they get out. So now the American Dream is to be a famous sports star or singer or actor or criminal. What ever it takes to get the money and power. And not surprisingly this is what the TV and Movies Industries are all about now telling people yes you are going to be star and rich and live big lives. Just watch this movie this is  what you want to be when you grow up. Your odds of becoming someone rich and famous are about the same as winning the lotto. So its all a lie and millions of people get caught up in it. We need to go back to the original American Dream with more focus on the family and being apart of your community.  Not the cutthroat get rich quick star and fame focus we have now. You know if you are pretty enough and will take your clothes off you could be a model and get rich.........Ha ha One Mans Opinion..                     

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Thinking of buying that new IPhone. Well lets just take a minute to get our heads around what we are doing first. We are replacing our main means of communication our connection to the world our window to other places yes the phone is no longer just a tool to stay in touch with family and friend and to do business with. No it has become far more important than that. Its a computer in your hand its hooked up to the web you can search anything you like.  No need for the Encyclopedia Britannica anymore Google profiles you and knows what you are looking for before you do. Social media Facebook, Twitter, My Space and more everyday. Its a GPS devise it will tell you where you are and how to get where you are going. Americans have the cell phone super glued to there kids hands at about 12 or 13 years old now. No really. So when you are thinking of changing phones this is a big deal. This is the devise that hold your status in the world in the palm of its hand. If its not cool your not cool. If it don't work your a jerk. You have to post pictures everyday. Who you are. What you are doing and where you are going. If you can't stay in your out. This is important stuff.    You need to wait for at least 6 months to let Apple get all the real world bugs out of the phone before you buy one and to also let the price come down a little.So your not the one paying for and the hype. After they get it to stop freezing so much and run properly Then go and buy one and enjoy all the  features of your new had held computer.     ONE MANS OPINION     

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Dinar

Is this a real investment or a big scam. I have know way to predict the future. But a lot of people are buying them and thinking when it revalues. It will be worth substantially more than what they payed for it. I am from the old school as far as there is never something for nothing. But when you have greedy unscrupulous people in the world looking to exploit any opportunity. This becomes a real possibility. Well if you think about it the US government is not going to go into a country and spend all that money if there is not a pay off somewhere. And our soldiers are coming back and buying dinars were they told something?? Is this the legal way to gut the Iraqi economy for years perhaps forever When we leave we still basically own the country. This sounds like the new model for how to control a country after you have invaded and conquered and left. But you take all the wealth with you now and for generations to come. This seems to be the thyme. So whether you are buying or selling or don't give a dam. This is out there and happening as we speak. So roll you dice.....  And try to play nice..kiddies         

Monday, September 17, 2012

Twitter Money

What is it? Is it a place to meet new people. Is it a place to sell stuff. Is it a place to gain knowledge. Or is it a place to waste time looking at girls and boys. I think it is pretty much all of these and more if you can unlock the secret to the code. Everyone is looking for followers but the key is customers Yes people of the right age and with expendable cash that you can get your hands on. Separating people from they money is a hard nut to crack. And really so if you are not right in front of them putting on the pressure. Are you going to buy this or what you know you want it and you need it so come on pop for it. Now how do you get that type of pressure to buy over the web.With words of course. But how do you find those people with money to spend on your thing. Well what are you pushing sex young men are always looking at porn but old men have the money to buy so target them. Older women like to look at young men so boys go to groups women would go to. Like recipes and books and religious things and don't use bad words in your tweets these women are not looking for a ghetto punk.They are looking for someone to look at and in a strange way help..So sell your picture or your time talking to them. Now girls go to sports groups and humor  and business sites looking for men Not your favorite Rappers. The guys there have no money and are just players not customers so don't waste your time.And please no tattoos or piercings these guys are looking for the girl next door not a hooker or a whore. If you are trying to sell a product Like a skin care thing or something Don't be a hound about it be more subtle about it. Talk about something else not just about the product. Have a little finesse. If you are promoting your cause. Then just splash it everywhere with out rhyme or reason. You never know when or where it will stick. So what ever your thing is Twitter is a great place to put it out there to the world....One Mans Opinion              

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Music Thoughts

When I was young I heard rock and roll Music and fell in love with the strong beats and melodies And all the old movies that would come on Saturday afternoons with Elvis and the Beatles and all the other acts from the 50"s and 60's . They were raw unpolished sexy and Innocent  all at the same time. And not pretty boys like you see now. This guys were average looking men of there day. Then I started listening to the radio and here was all these Rock bands of the 70's These bands could play and sing And were by most accounts masters of the genre. Every band from the 70's was great you could not get any air time if you weren't. Names here is a few Grand Funk, Led Zepplin, The Eagles ,Boston Foreigner, Reo Speedwagon. Santana, Pink Floyd The list is to long to include everyone. The end of the 70's a sound called Disco took off like a rocket and just as quickly burned out leaving behind a electric drum beat that would be resurrected time and time again for the next 20 years  The Bee Gees were one band to take full advantage of the sound and pretty much make it there own Also lurking in the background was a thing called punk coming out of the inner city's of the north east like New York. With bands like the Ramones and Talking Heads and spreading across the pond to England to bands like The Clash and the Sex Pistols to name a few. All the time boiling in the clubs in Britain is a new pop sound that is using the just found caribbean reggae drum beat with classic British Melodies. Thanks to Bob Marley for bring that Jamaican sound to the table. And Third World for refining it. Now comes the 80's and a lot of one hit wonders like Tears for Fear, Crowded House, Culture Club. And the force that was Steve Ray Vaughan A blues master cut right from the same material as Eric Clapton, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top. And the southern band Lynyrd Skynyrd Heavy in the rhythm and blues from the old south. A cross of old English folk music and African music that is the origins of Jazz and the Blues. That high lonesome bluegrass sound is in it self just the blues.Now we have the 90's can you say Rap yes Rap took over with a vengeance all through next two decades.With Tupac, MC Hammer Beastie Boys Snoop Dogg and now Drake. So now that rap has had about a 20 year run what is next I can't wait to see. But believe me its right around the corner.  That new sound it brewing in the basement of some kids house or some club or bar in some big city or little town somewhere out there it is. And it will not be long until it is here..               

Friday, September 14, 2012


Everyone know if they have had a dog or cat as a pet when they were kids or they have animals around now or they live in a rural location and have farm animals. What ever the case maybe you have seen the cycles of life. More directly animals coming into heat is one word. Season is another because most animals reproduce in the Spring of the year to give their young time to grow in order to survive the Winter. Ergo the birds and the bees so nature has a plan and it has worked quite well for sometime. Now we have the Humans they come into heat about 13 or 14 puberty they are ready to reproduce. And the female stay ready every night until about 45.And the male can reproduce almost until they die. I have heard of men in their 80's fathering children..And for some reason our brains are over loaded with the drive to have sex. It is almost uncontrollable at an early age and does not diminish much through out your life. As seen by all the TV show about Playboys and Men with money who just go from one flower to the next. Or the show about all these older women who have money and or on the look out for younger men or even boys Cougars.. Or the 13 years old girl and the 14 year old boy in the neighborhood just fooling around because they have an itch and they need to scratch it. Or just experimenting with their sexuality. Now this was all fine and dandy when people lived off the land or in small villages All the natural things took care of the population. But now we are in a situation where the planet will only bare so much. And we need to slow the population growth. And it is hard in countries with strong religious fervor. Every nation should have some type of birth control or the planet will be over run with to many people. Sex is a natural thing but children we can't properly educate and support is not..The world does not need more people born into poverty..And now with global media the poor can see how the rich live and they want that life to. Its not a secret anymore in Africa or South America or China or the Middle East..                 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Ice Cold Gold

Do any of you people watch those Gold digger show from Alaska Are those guys whacked or what Get in water that is 28 degrees and go to the bottom and suck up dirt and filter out the gold. Hey don't get me wrong I would love to be rich just like everyone else but come on there is a death factor in this shit. You fuck up your equipment messes up your a cold dead fish at the bottom of Nome Harbor  You can make money doing a lot of things that don't have the death factor.Well really everything has the death factor but some are just a lot less likely. The frialator could explode at Mcbugers and you could die not something that happens everyday but it could so you take that chance when you go there and work. But diving under 4 feet of ice and running a suction hose for lets say 5 hours shit could go wrong and it don't take long to die if you can't breath. And most of those young guy's up there are smoking cigarettes so you know they can't hold their breath for very long.. It does make interesting TV everybody goes to the car crash to see if someone has died. Same thing people like to watch other people die or get close to dieing. Its such a Taboo thing it draws people like a moth to a flame.A fly to a light a young country girl to neon. Its hypnotic they can't turn away. Just like the gold fever that these young men in Alaska have feel victim to.....What is your folly?????? One Mans Opinion         

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


At first it was IBM yes they were to big and had to large of a market share. In the office machine business They were the Kings When they went to California to get a software company to write them a operating system. The guy was out flying his plane so did they wait for him to land and talk business hell no. They left and went North to see this young man Bill Gates to see if he could write a operating system for their New line of personal computers. And his company wrote MSDOS and WINDOWS . And then become one of the Riches men in the world. And in doing so basically took over the software business. With his competitive nature and drive almost to the point of becoming a tyrant. Forcing a lot of the smaller software companies out of business. Now comes the Internet with companies like Amazon  selling you stuff. Ebay you selling stuff and buying stuff. These companies make lots of money. For awhile then it tapers off. Now here comes Google a search engine that profiles you to take you where you want to go faster than ever before. There were a lot of search engines out there but Google did it a little better than the rest. And in so doing got the market share of searches now this seems meaningless on the surface but in reality money goes where the people are especially advertising money so now Google is making tons of money..So to try and catch up Microsoft puts together Bing but is to late that ship has already sailed. Google is the search engine period... Now comes social media yes My Space, Facebook, Twitter. Now you can hook back up with all those people you lost touch with during your life. Like they were really important to you..NOT If they were you would not have lost touch with them. Or lets meet new people from all over the world. Like you are ever going to have the money to go and see these people.... Please..  Oh I almost forgot Dell and Gateway and Compaq and HP and a host of other manufacturing companies making the little box that makes you think the world is smaller. And of course Apple. This is a brief history of computing. Or just One Mans Opinion .....                 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I forgot it was 9/11 because it is something that should be forgotten. The memory of destruction of a public place because of unethical trade practices by our government and big businesses in this country is not something I would like to remember. And the fact that it could have been avoided with a less greedy approach to world trade. Is ashamed for the people who were working there and got caught up in the conflict and lost their lives.  But that is what happens when you cheat and steal from countries that are smaller than you they can't fight you militarily they resort to terrorism. It has been the same since the Roman Empire. Or as far back as Egypt. When you exploit your neighbors so you can make a profit on their resources or labor it is just a matter of time before someone revolts against you. Our government know this most of the people in the government are not stupid. And the military is payed to stay on top of all these situations. Because our business are out there trying to get the best deal they can by any means possible. Our system like all systems since the dawn of time works on greed. The cheaper you can buy it the more money you make. The more you can sell the more you make. Its all based on greed And greed is not honest And greed does not have a social conscience.And greed does not care how many oriental prostitutes it takes to pay the rent as long as it is payed. And you say we are not apart of that. That is not our problem. But really you are the problem every time you go to Walmart and buy a shirt sewn together by a 10 year old kid That as soon as she turns 13 they will make a working girl out of her cause she can make more money that way for awhile. This is life for a lot of people in this world. So when you think about 9/11 think about what you can do to fix this shit. Not waving you flag and praying for dead people...That is not the lesson here. Its when a farmer in China makes the same money as a DR. in New York City And if we can't fix this. Its just a matter of time before some crazy person get hold of the big bomb and blows up more than just a few buildings. STOP THE GREED BEFORE IT KILLS US ALL.One mans Opinion                       

A Voice A Rant

Here I am a voice in the wilderness in the back waters the sticks the part of the world no one cares about . Its to small to have a say in anything  Its a no where place few people live here and the ones who do are so wrapped up in making a living they have no time for such things as thought or beliefs or causes. Even religion is put on the back burner Oh people go to Church but only as long as it don't interfere with there business or money interest. They will quit a Church in a minute if it starts taking to much of there time and money. That is why we have so many and all are half full every Sunday. People get mad and move from one to the other they are not looking for God they are looking for acceptance from the people in the Church. Its all a crock of shit that they are peddling Not one ounce of true in a thousand gallons of it. These Guys or Preachers what ever you want to call them are just one or two great sermons away from becoming JIM JONES Religious tyrants control freaks with power hungry minds and Self righteous motives they all want to be God themselves. And if they can control enough dim witted people they can obtain a certain amount of influence and power if you will in this small area of the country where no one gives to much thought to them and there little games.     If you put people in a position of power who would normally never be able to reach that status on there own you are in control of that person now totally  They will do anything you tell them once they have become intoxicated by the power. You see people don't really want money they want respect and power. Before money the biggest and the smartest people in the tribe got the most respect but everyone got some degree of respect based on who you were. Now people try to look down there noses at people who they think are not as good as they are. We have a real problem with this in this country everyone has a poker face and thinks they are better than every one else. When in reality no one is any better than any one else. Every body's shit stinks White Black Brown Yellow Rich Poor Educated Uneducated.  Some people inherit vast sums of money from relatives that makes them better than everyone else. Or land or business that run themselves and they just wait on the money to roll in. They are better than everyone else. Or there grandfather was a bootlegger in the 20's and got rich cause he was a crook that didn't get caught. Now his family is better than everyone else. Or the person who was so poor he had to struggle through collage because his family had no money and he wanted a decent job. Now he is better than everyone else. Or was he just to lazy to work out side with the men He had to go to school to get a job inside with the women.. Some of the stupidest and laziest people I have ever met were educated. And its a good thing they were cause if they had not been they would have starved to death. Those that can't do teach... This is just another rant or One mans Opinion...         

Monday, September 10, 2012

Pork and Rice

Here is one of my best recipes for a home cooked supper If you like the pig yes the other white meat and the meat with the most flavor. The tenderest meat there is Anyway here is what you do.You get a larger skillet cast iron if you have it if not any large pan will do. Now slice up some garlic about three cloves fry it in olive oil.until golden brown add one chopped up onion brown edges of the onion and add salt and pepper to taste Now put in about 5 large pork chops diced cut up in little squares. Add a little more oil and brown the meat on all sides. Now add two carrots and three celery stocks This is high heat so be sure to keep an eye on it. just a few minutes after the carrots and celery are in put three cups of water or just cover everything with water it depends on how big your pan it. Now make up two packages of brown gravy and pour in the mix. Bring to a boil. At this point be sure to season to taste with salt and pepper. Turn the oven on about 225 degrees low heat put it in the oven covered for about 2 or 3 hours. Make some rice right before you are about to serve and some frozen egg rolls or home made egg rolls if you like them better. A honey mustard sauce and a hot ketchup sauce. One part ketchup a little olive oil salt pepper vinegar Tabasco worcestershire soy sauce stir it up this is great for dipping your egg rolls in. I know if you try this you will enjoy it.........                      

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Texas Bar B-Q

Well here it is with Labor day just passed someone asked me to give a brief how to if you will on Texas Bar B-Q The first thing you have to have is a good off set cooker one box for the fire and another for the meat no direct heat you have to smoke low and slow about 250 degrees. Now everybody who smokes meat knows this but hear in Texas there are a few things that are different. One is we pick the worst cut of meat you can get the brisket A big tuff piece of meat from the shoulder of a cow. You can marinade it in your favorite spices or you can just salt and pepper it Your call on that. Now the wood I am sorry but there is only one kind of wood in Texas to smoke with and that is mesquite. If you don't use it You don't have real Texas Bar B-Q. Period  end of discussion. The sauce it is  generally  a tomato base Nothing out of the ordinary you can buy it anywhere. Or make your own recipes are all over the net. The key is the wood. Now here is how you do it Get your pit fired up get your temperature right or close now put that brisket leave it there with the fat down 5 hours Now take it out and wrap it in foil and cover it with your sauce and put it in a pan then put it back in the pit for 6 more hours and you will have some of the best smoked brisket of your life tender falling apart juice meat. Slice it thin and put some sauce on the side with Potato salad pinto beans, pickles, jalapenos peppers, some fresh onions. Dinner rolls or a plane slice of bread. Ribs Chicken Pulled pork are all the same just change how much time in the smoker..           

Friday, September 7, 2012

Life goes On

Everyone is young but not everyone gets to be old. Yes disease ,car accidents. crime. war they take people everyday.So if you live long enough chances are you will have someone close to you pass away. By sickness accident or one of these other causes. The stages first is shock you cry and miss the person so much. Second Anger why why why did this happen to this person they were so nice and good. Third is lost  you realize you are never going to see or talk to that person again never. Four you finally come to peace with the fact they are gone. And depending of the circumstances may be better off especially if they were sick and suffering. Or in the case of addicts were just miserable being alive. Then you get to that point where you don't think of them as often as you were. And the trails and tribulations of your own life setback in. A day turns in to a week turns in to a year and Life goes On. And to all my family and friends who have gone. I still loved you. One mans Opinion              

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Church of Christ

I was on the golf course one day at my favorite club. One I had been a member at for some time and pretty comfortable there. I knew a lot players there and was always looking to meet new ones as time went by.And it was summer in the lone star so naturally it was hot as hell. So when I seen this guy walking. A few holes ahead of me I knew I would catch up to him. After a couple of holes sure enough we were there on the same tee box.So I gave him the standard response I can play with you or I can play through it does not matter to me. Then I added its a lot easier to ride than it is to walk in this heat. He said that makes sense so we would just finish out the back nine together. So as we started to play the conversation is always  the same when you first meet someone well what do you do. You see in America you are who you are based on what you do.That being said he proudly told me he was a retired school principal. So I thought a collage guy a educated fellow someone who is obviously  rational and astute. I will be able to talk about things with this man and  have a truly interesting conversation. And so it was to start weather sports local affairs. This guy was on point with everything. Then out of the blue he said do you believe in God. And of course I said Yes I don't think you can get around some kind of Creator. Then he said well I am a deacon at the Church of Christ and if you are not a church of Christ you are going to hell and that is just the way it is. Then he looked at me and said have you been saved and I said yes. And now dude get the fuck out of my golf cart and take you stupid ass on down the road. And never I mean never speak to me again..I have no room in my life for blatant stupidity. Religious arrogance is one of the most dangerous mental disorders in the world.... And should be confronted every steep of the way. Don't let this idiocy take hold in your town...Wither they be Muslims Jews Morons or the Church of Christ's                   

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

I have a Hope

Back in the 1960's Martin Luther Kings gave a speech called I have a dream. And with this speech he stirred the whole country into taking a hard look at itself. And civil right and the crime of persecution  of one race of people over another just because we are different. We look different we act different we even think different. That is no reason to mistreat abuse or belittle another human being. Physically or economically  just because they are different. Now in the last fifty years this country has made great progress in the way we tolerate each other. But now we have another problem that is manifesting itself. Its an evil thing that is tearing the underbelly of this country apart. Its the same old disease as before but now it not your color or religion its your bank account. That is right money power wealth these are the dividing lines now. I was watching the actor Samuel Jackson in a interview one day and he said Its funny when I got rich and famous I was not a nigger anymore.I was Mister Jackson and everybody was like how can I help you sir. Not like before when he was  just another young black man get out of the way. So this man found an occupation in life and in doing his job well I might add magically transformed himself into a whole other person. That the world perceives in a whole new way. But the guy he went to school with that got a job as a worker and worked hard and is good at it.. (Is still a nigger.) Wait wait wait you can't say that. But its the truth. Is this fair is this right it this the way it should be. Or is there something wrong. Or is it like Jesus said when they were about to put the oil on his head and feet one came up and said should we not sell this oil and give the money to the poor. And Jesus said the poor will always be here..That is prophetic!!!! One of the best lines in the bible..I have a hope that someday a man planting rice in China will be payed the same as a Dr. in New York City Or a man fishing in Haiti or a woman waiting tables at your local cafe
Or the man who drives the trash truck. or plays the songs on the radio or scores the winning touchdown. Or the girl who sells herself on the street corner. Yes even her.....Everyone has there place in this world. There will always be the poor. But the man who will work should be rewarded for it and treated with respect and dignity. I have a hope that someday these things will come true. I have a hope ..One mans Opinion                             

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Labor day

Labor day labor day yes it is time again to thank all the countless people who go to work everyday  out of shear necessity  to produce all the wants and wares for this country and  a lot of the rest of the world. People like your father and mother who somehow feed you and clothed you and put you through school. And were there with that little trickle of money from time to time just to get you by.
 And basically that is all life is. Trying to take care of you and yours. With the sweat of your brow and bend of your back yes work labor These are the activities that fund life. 90 % of this world is in gaged in some form of labor each day. Working on a fishing boat or a farm or a construction site driving a truck. stocking a store, teaching children working in a office pushing papers, keeping books cutting hair these are all things people do everyday not because they want to but because they have to. To survive and take care of their family's. These are not labors of love. And should not be exploited in any way. So when you are with your bunch this weekend cooking out and having fun drinking and stuff. Just remember the reason we have this is because worker years ago stood up and formed unions and fought greedy industrialist. To get a fair wage and working conditions. Now have a good day...                

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Eastwood and Palin

Well with the elections right around the corner the dirt is starting to pick up. The Ripoffs are in Florida by the way where they all go to retire And they rolled poor old Clint Eastwood out in a hoveround tried to get him to speak but to no avail. He was just looking for the lunch room at the nursing home. Didn't know if he was horse back or a foot..You have to hand it to the Ripoffs when they find something that works they stick to it. Years ago they got another old washed up actor and paraded him around for 8 years. Dick Cheney and George Bush moved him around like a puppet on a string. But I am sorry guy's Clint is to old to go out and play with you. If they would run him for President they might have a chance. Hell America elected Reagan and he wasn't even a good actor. They should have run Clint when he still had a pulse.
    And Poor Sarah I wonder if she feels cheap and used right now. You know the morning after a one night stand. It was great at that moment but now when you can see her in the morning light.. Can I call you a cab. That used and unwanted feeling.Just like my mother always said. When you sleep with snakes you will get bit..  Sorry Sarah... On the bright side you can go back to Alaska...Be Bold and Cold....bye bye  One mans opinion