I am a voice in the wilderness giving my opinions about anything and everything. I all so have my CD for sale some of my best songs $5.00 plus shipping Just email me.. wardhurley@yahoo.com
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Thursday, September 20, 2012
American Dream
The United States is one of the few countries in the world that will let someone throw off the chains of poverty and be able to live a large life With hard work, talent, education luck or even crime. A person is able to live a life style that is far superior to that of the rest of the world. Yes big houses nice car fine clothes sexual companionship all these things are there to be bought in this country. If one can obtain the money. Now back in the 50's when the Fraze American Dream was first coined It meant loosely to own your own home and car and have a nice job. A family with the wife staying home to watch the kids and the Man to go and work. And daddy had the money to handle any situation. It was a form of utopia in the minds of the American workers. The nuclear family. The TV show of the 50's and most of the 60's reflect this mind set. The government and big business wanted to keep the workers happy. So with the TV programing they had people believing that this was a good life and is really all they should expect from life. Look if you can get here then that is great. You made it. A 20 thousand dollar a year job a house, a car, kids what more could you want...right Well then the more monster starts to take over. The keeping up with the Jones effect. Well John and Joan moved to a bigger house out in the country. He got moved up to management he is not a worker anymore. Now they have motorcycles and a house at the lake and John has a girl friend in town. That's why he moved his wife to the country. All of the sudden the American Dream had changed now its all about American GREED get the most you can with out going to jail and some will even do a few years in jail if they can hide the money and get it when they get out. So now the American Dream is to be a famous sports star or singer or actor or criminal. What ever it takes to get the money and power. And not surprisingly this is what the TV and Movies Industries are all about now telling people yes you are going to be star and rich and live big lives. Just watch this movie this is what you want to be when you grow up. Your odds of becoming someone rich and famous are about the same as winning the lotto. So its all a lie and millions of people get caught up in it. We need to go back to the original American Dream with more focus on the family and being apart of your community. Not the cutthroat get rich quick star and fame focus we have now. You know if you are pretty enough and will take your clothes off you could be a model and get rich.........Ha ha One Mans Opinion..
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