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Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter or Passover

Yes another Easter Sunday has come and gone or Passover if you are of the Jewish persuasion. Either way it is a day to give thanks for deliverance from oppression in one way or the other. But to often these days it becomes a day of feasting and drinking and doing alot of things that are just stupid. Like getting drunk and fighting with your family over of course Religion. Why because everyone believes in God but not the same way and most are under educated on the subject and are at the mercy of what they were told or heard and have not read the book them selves or studied it what so ever. Then there are the ones who have read just enough to get it completely wrong. And are strong in their convictions. These are like Islamic fundamentals they will kill you and all your family if you don't believe like they do. You are going to hell and I am Gods chosen person what a crock of shit. That is why it is so dangerous to be a preacher because they become self righteous The closer you get to God the harder Satan works on you and let's face it this is Satan's world. It"s almost imposable no it is imposable to resist Satan's tempting of the flesh money, power, fame, sex, perversion all ways to lead men and women astray. And these are the things most people strive for I need to make more money so I can have more power that way I can buy more stuff and I will be better known and respected so I can have sex with more women and feed my insatiable flesh. This is the way this world is set up and all we can do as intellectual peons is live and try not to become to perverted and self absorbed that we can't see the truth when it is right in front of us. So next time you get in a conversation about religion remember It does not matter because in America MONEY is our GOD........Just my opinion I am sure your's is different... Ha ha ha                

1 comment:

  1. good post.
    I can relate . I believe we are meant too be balanced In all our endeavors .
