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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Little Dribblers

For some reason  my daughter is playing in the Little Dribbler League again. Well really not the league just the championship tournament. Our program over here in Shallowater is from the 1st grade to the 6th grade it always has been now our 8th grade girls and a few 7th graders are going to play in the senior division. Even though most of these girls are on AAU teams and have been for many years. Why they are going back down in competition level to the Little Dribblers is beyond me unless it is just an attempt to win the title again. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with that. My thought has been for the last two years is let's make a run at the AAU national tournament. I know that is a big nut to crack but you have to dream big and set your  goals high just to hit the board if you don't you will fall way short I know this... That being said I know a bunch of skinny girls from a small town in West Texas are not  your number one pick for winning in AAU tournament but these girls have played two tour. this year and won both easily they are all exceptional basketball players and the grade behind them have not lost a game in two years so there is a lot of talent here and should be taken as far as they can go. There is a lot to be said for the fact that our Little Dribbler Program contends if not wins the National Tour. every year and the exposure our kids get to a big event helps them when school ball starts they are not as nerves as the average kid.Who do not have the experience of playing on a bigger stage the traveling  the motel rooms and the fact you are there because of them this is a real ego boost and will stay with them for the rest of there life. So it is hard to vote against playing in the tour. over in Leveland it is not in Houston there won't be a lot of travel cost. Thank God  Well after looking at it from as many angles as my little mind can. I say just remember why you play basketball #1 it's fun and #2 you are good at it. Now just have fun. Just my opinion


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