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Thursday, October 4, 2012


Last night they had the presidential debates on TV. What a bunch of shit all the sudden Romney is for poor people and medical care and taxing the rich can you say lying bastard. I knew you could!!!
He don't pay taxes why would he let his buddies down at the Republican party pay. Debates why don't they just call them lying contests because that is all they do. I just love the poor working people of this country who think they are Republicans because they pay taxes and don't get government hand outs. They are just dumb asses because the rich don't pay taxes either.. Just look at Romney...
If the truth be know the rich and the poor are more alike than the middle class. The poor live off the government and so do the rich.. Farmers with all their government programs and big business with all of the incentive programs out there for them. They get more money from the government than anyone.And what about all the military contracts who is cleaning up on that deal. It is not my BROTHER- IN- LAW is it yours Ha ha ha...That is the Republican way over steal and manipulate the system.
  Now for the Democrats there plan is not much better. Tax everyone more a spend it a on the poor. They are dumb sons of bitches to because you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or you can teach him how to fish and feed him for a life time..We need big changes big steps no more baby steps. We need to legalize drugs and get them off the streets and put that money into the main system not the black market. Stop glamorizing drug dealers as a way to get out of poverty in the inter cities.
To many young people are falling for this lie and losing their lives. We are turning Mexican thugs into millionaires in the drug trade.. We can grow it here better than they can this is stupid... Keep the money here.. WE have to get a handle on trade especially with China. The best way to start is any company who wants to shut down in this country and move it operation over seas can not sell there products here anymore simple. You move out of this market you lose this market. We need to be making fly swatters again. And all the other day to day bullshit that people buy. If we can't compete with their price then we charge a high tariffs on all the products to level the playing field..Stop Walmart from flooding the market with low quality crap from China or where ever. We need to be selling fly swatters in China too.  One mans Opinion            

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