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Thursday, October 25, 2012


For some reason golf is one of the hardest games in the world to be good at. Did you notice I did not say play. Because golf is easy to play. That is a fact. Just think about it compared to other sports. Golf is pretty low impact. First of all there is no running or jumping. You don't have to be a giant like a basketball player. Or a big huge man like a football line man. Or a world class runner like a football running back or receiver.. Most sports require you to be a great athlete to start with then to work at your sport for years and then if you don't get hurt and catch some breaks you can have maybe a 5 to 10 years career. But most likely you will fall along the way side. With a inquirer. You see all most all sports stars have god given talent. If you are 6' 10 inches tall that is not something you did that is a gift from god. Its like someone with a great singing voice they did not work for that voice it was just given to them. Now what they do with it is up to them.But you can't do anything with out that first. But then there is Golf and this is the appeal of this sport. You don't have to be 7 feet tall or run a 10 flat 100 yard dash or have a beautiful god given singing voice. You just have to pick up a club and hit a little ball to a spot on a beautiful field with perfectly cut grass and some sand position around. It is so easy its hard. Well let me go back a bit Its easy until you start to TRY. That is right when you are out there having fun playing golf it is easy as soon as you start to try to play then the whole thing blows up in your face. As soon as the score become a factor golf becomes a extremely difficult game. So now you have all these people who are telling you if you just swing the club right you can play like a pro. These people are in the swing grind business. Did you ever notice most swing coaches never played pro golf and if they did they either got old or never did play very good at all. So they had to find another way to make money The Swing coach is born.....Now if you a thinking about how to do something instead of just doing it you are in trouble. Now golf is hard and not fun anymore because you are not playing golf anymore you are working on your swing every shot you are rehearsing your swing thoughts and not hitting the ball to a spot anymore. I mean that is all golf is hit the little ball there go find it and hit it to the next spot hopefully closer to the hole ha ha .And you are going to miss a lot more than you make so get over it This is not a game for perfectionists This is a game for people with great mental attitudes and who never give up battlers fighters tenacity perseverance And players who can forget all the shit about the swing and get out of their own way These are the people who play good golf well. Be a player not a swing grinder...  .                    

Saturday, October 20, 2012

I need Tea

A girl on my twitter page said she was to lazy to make some tea but she sure did want some right then. So I thought since I have been seeing those I-robot ads about the vacuum cleaner. Now would be a great time to get on my coke box and talk about robots again. Come on U.S it time to get back in the manufacturing business and start building personal robots yes personal computers were a great thing but think how much better a personal robot would be. You don't have to get on the computer anymore just surf the net through your robot Robots have the potential to be your friend your helper and even your lover. Just think when Ford started rolling those model A 's off the assembly line he had no idea what the public was going to do with his little car. The everyday Joe took that car and  used it in a hundred different ways Ford never dreamed of its the nature of the beast called humanity. If someone could just get a simple working model out there the human experience will take over and transform it in to what ever the mind can conceive. So stop trying to make a perfect robot make a robot and watch the world make it perfect. The first cars did not go fast enough so people put bigger motors in them they were not big enough people cut the frame and made them bigger. That is just the way it is. Look at boats and airplanes when they were first made till now. General Motor build a personal robot this year it does not matter if the design is not ready or the actuators are not strong enough or any other aspects. May be GM is to much to ask  how about Honda or Toyota or Polaris's or some other company that has the simple technology to integrate computers with mechanics come on this stuff is all ready here its like when the Wright Brothers were building the first airplanes. They did not invent anything they just put things together in a way that worked. That is the same kind of innovation we need now. To develop Robots that will transform our lives in a positive manner. I sure would like a cup of tea. One mans Opinion            

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fall in Texas

You wake in the morning with a slight nip in the air. Its not cold it just cool refreshing a heavy dew .Late October in Texas is one of the best places in the world to be. We have seasons here and most are unbearable but fall in the one that is the best. Yes fall is a time of year when the crops come in and everyone is working and making money there is hope and optimism. Friday night football at your old school No matter how long its been since you went there. The fair comes to town Halloween Thanksgiving all the holidays This is one of the most social times of year in Texas. College ball at all the university Teams are trying their best every Saturday Afternoon. Then all the  things like. Making preparations for the winter getting everything repaired and sealed down. For by far the worst time of the year Winter is a bitch cold wet and hard to get anything done. If you live in a cold climate you are use to that type of weather but if you live where it is hot most of the time the cold is hard to take. Now the Spring you would think is a time of rebirth and joy to start over a new year but here it is a bitch that is right the wind never stops and the dirt will blow for days Then there are the storms massive thunder storms with lighting and rain and hail and worst of all the tornado's. After that the summer sets in oh happy days right wrong. Now it is a 100 degrees everyday and about 80 at night yes one hot mother. It don't rain it don't blow its just hottttttt. You have to be hard to take the summers in Texas. Especially if you work outside. So when fall get here it is just nice to have a few months of pleasant weather before the storm of Winter and the cycle starts all over again.. Most people who move here from the North don't last long the heat sends them back in a few years.       

Saturday, October 13, 2012

I had a Vision

One day a man comes to my house and I was out side painting the windows and trim. He approached me and started his sells pitch about the new satellite dish he had. And how even people living in the rural areas can now have cable TV at a minimal cost. Now usually I would have told this guy to fuck out but I had just recently married a new wife who was much younger than I so. I thought I would listen to this guy and see if this new product could in rich the lives of me and my new squeeze. So that is how I first got satellite TV out in the country. Now I am here waiting for some one to bring me a robot that will do all sorts of menial tasks for me. You know take out the trash wash dishes mow the lawn fix and repair household problems . And if they could fashion it to look like a beautiful woman with working parts that would be just fantastic. These machines are right around the corner and some one needs to hurry up and get them on the market so people can start to enjoy domestic help again with out the stigma of slavery. Yes just a little over a hundred years ago people had domestic help and Industrial help to And if you went to the slave market  and picked out a young slave girl she was your property to do with what you wanted. Work her in the house or out most of the girls and young women that worked in the house were also concubines. And that explains why most black people in America trace there genetic backgrounds back to Europe. There great grandfather was the plantation owner. Like Thomas Jefferson. So we need to go back to a time of refinement and elegance and enlightenment that one gets with the proper amount of time for abstract thinking and innovation and just plain physical pleasures of the flesh. To live a happy full life the way we were suppose to with out all the limits put on us by society and religions and anything else that restricts or oppresses the human soul. Love is not a crime or a betrayal its just part of being human. One mans opinion         

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I started a new blog

I started a new blog called Tommy Van Go Pearson and it is just a picture blog of uninteresting things I come across in my day to day movements how ever I have not been moving lately so I Have no new pictures to comment on. But bear with me it is coming I just have to get all the kinks out of the chain. And try and be more productive in my approach. With a lot less procrastinating. At first I thought I would have all sorts of things to photograph and talk about but now it all seems so redundant. Its funny how great some ideas sound one day and the next just lose there luster. That is the way it is with song writing. If its good the next day it will be good for ever. If its not it is just crap forever. Anyway see you latter......        

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Death Ratios

 Yes with jets flying all over the world and diesel powered ships crisscrossing the oceans. This planet is getting smaller and smaller everyday. But one thing that is not getting smaller is the population. The ratio right now is thought to be about 2.39 to 1:  So every time someone dies almost two more are born. At this rate it will not that long and the planet will not be able to sustain all of its inhabitant At this time it is thought that the population is at or close to 7 billion so it does not take one long with a calculator to see we are on a one way street to over population.On one hand this could be construed as a bad thing on the other it could be seen as opportunity. Yes everyone needs a chair a car a house more shit so the people who are making shit are making money and living the big life. And all the rest are just consumers. Yes it is one of the lowest forms of life on this planet consumer. Not a producer Not a maker or creator not even a worker just a parasite or consumer. We will probably not live long enough to experience the shortages and hunger of a over populated planet. But trust me they will come and the wars that will be fought over food and water will be brutal.And all the greedy rich people out there who have took and took their whole lives and are just consumers will be the first to be taken from. And the redistribution of wealth in this world will begin. And the population will be under control by famine and wars just as it has been from the beginning of time.  One Mans Opinion         

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Last night they had the presidential debates on TV. What a bunch of shit all the sudden Romney is for poor people and medical care and taxing the rich can you say lying bastard. I knew you could!!!
He don't pay taxes why would he let his buddies down at the Republican party pay. Debates why don't they just call them lying contests because that is all they do. I just love the poor working people of this country who think they are Republicans because they pay taxes and don't get government hand outs. They are just dumb asses because the rich don't pay taxes either.. Just look at Romney...
If the truth be know the rich and the poor are more alike than the middle class. The poor live off the government and so do the rich.. Farmers with all their government programs and big business with all of the incentive programs out there for them. They get more money from the government than anyone.And what about all the military contracts who is cleaning up on that deal. It is not my BROTHER- IN- LAW is it yours Ha ha ha...That is the Republican way over steal and manipulate the system.
  Now for the Democrats there plan is not much better. Tax everyone more a spend it a on the poor. They are dumb sons of bitches to because you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or you can teach him how to fish and feed him for a life time..We need big changes big steps no more baby steps. We need to legalize drugs and get them off the streets and put that money into the main system not the black market. Stop glamorizing drug dealers as a way to get out of poverty in the inter cities.
To many young people are falling for this lie and losing their lives. We are turning Mexican thugs into millionaires in the drug trade.. We can grow it here better than they can this is stupid... Keep the money here.. WE have to get a handle on trade especially with China. The best way to start is any company who wants to shut down in this country and move it operation over seas can not sell there products here anymore simple. You move out of this market you lose this market. We need to be making fly swatters again. And all the other day to day bullshit that people buy. If we can't compete with their price then we charge a high tariffs on all the products to level the playing field..Stop Walmart from flooding the market with low quality crap from China or where ever. We need to be selling fly swatters in China too.  One mans Opinion            

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Why were we a odds with the Russians for so many years. We are both mostly European and believe in the same God so why were we in the cold war. Was it solely political ideology. Communism vs Capitalism. Or was it just the reaction of two countries after a world war trying to hold on to their identity Not wanting to be swallowed up by the ways and influence of a new super power in the world. Whether it be the multiracial economic juggernaut of the U.S. or the new at that time promise of communism. Yes communism was going to get rid of the old class system in Europe and make the playing field fair for everyone. Yea right !!! Hundreds of years of people who owned the land and people who worked the land for them. And you had no choice you were born into it.. Bondage.. You could not work your way out from the have nots to the haves that was almost impossible. And to be fair this was not just Russia but all of Europe. That is why so many peasants came to the U.S. to start over and get out from under that cloud of oppression. Then Hitler showed what a country can do if it has one mind and one direction. Be it a crazy perverted mind but focus and purpose none the less The German nation accomplished a tremendous turn around in there economy in a short time with Hitlers  leadership. So if he could do that with Germany just think what Russia could do under a Dictator with absolute power the thought of that for the Western world was nothing less than catastrophic. So the fear of another power hungry man with total control over a vast Nation Like Russia was a real possibility. You see the Czar like all King believed they were entitled and in so being had a responsibility to the people they were like their fathers so even if they were ruthless in some cases as a whole they believed God put them in this position and it was their duty to do their best to take care of the people or God would have them replaced. But a commoner like Stalin he was just like Hitler. He would get drunk on his own power and lose control just like Hitler did. He did not have the royal conscience beat in to him from the time he was born..How can you elect a man without a family to a high political office a stray dog with nothing to lose. Over the lives of millions Germany did Hitler.
So its not hard to see how we got in the cold war or arms race with Russia. And as far a communism goes Anytime you have a King and Nobles you have a power vacuum in between  them and the people  This void is filled by the smart and ruthless and these are the people who really run a country at the ground level And communism was taken over by these people and done away with. Because greed consumes all systems eventually. Greed will tear down Capitalism just like it did Communism
One Mas Opinion    


Monday, October 1, 2012

Another Day

Yes another day has passed into oblivion not much gained and not much lost. Spent some time making some necklaces out in the shop. But other than that I didn't do much. Played with the cats and feed them. A old friend stopped by and shot the shit for a while. Talked to my daughter a bit after school. Then she was off to band practice. Just one of a thousand uneventful days that I have lived. And as time goes by It looks like a lot more of them. I had a guy pull a gun on me once and shot at me that was a memorable day. I like today better. I had a guy cut my arm with a knife one day over a pool game. I like today better. I was busted once with pot and the police beat the shit out of me I didn't wake up for two days. Today was better than that. There are all kinds of days good ones you will never forget and bad ones you can't forget Then there are days like today not much happened but you have to enjoy these just as well as the exciting ones. Because these are the days that make up the majority of ones life. Normal calm days and if you can find some affection and understanding and companionship These are the days when put all together turn into a beautiful life.. One Mans Opinion