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Saturday, October 20, 2012

I need Tea

A girl on my twitter page said she was to lazy to make some tea but she sure did want some right then. So I thought since I have been seeing those I-robot ads about the vacuum cleaner. Now would be a great time to get on my coke box and talk about robots again. Come on U.S it time to get back in the manufacturing business and start building personal robots yes personal computers were a great thing but think how much better a personal robot would be. You don't have to get on the computer anymore just surf the net through your robot Robots have the potential to be your friend your helper and even your lover. Just think when Ford started rolling those model A 's off the assembly line he had no idea what the public was going to do with his little car. The everyday Joe took that car and  used it in a hundred different ways Ford never dreamed of its the nature of the beast called humanity. If someone could just get a simple working model out there the human experience will take over and transform it in to what ever the mind can conceive. So stop trying to make a perfect robot make a robot and watch the world make it perfect. The first cars did not go fast enough so people put bigger motors in them they were not big enough people cut the frame and made them bigger. That is just the way it is. Look at boats and airplanes when they were first made till now. General Motor build a personal robot this year it does not matter if the design is not ready or the actuators are not strong enough or any other aspects. May be GM is to much to ask  how about Honda or Toyota or Polaris's or some other company that has the simple technology to integrate computers with mechanics come on this stuff is all ready here its like when the Wright Brothers were building the first airplanes. They did not invent anything they just put things together in a way that worked. That is the same kind of innovation we need now. To develop Robots that will transform our lives in a positive manner. I sure would like a cup of tea. One mans Opinion            

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