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Monday, May 23, 2011

What you think is what you get

Yes when you are a teenager you have to be careful. About what you spend your time doing and thinking about. What you need are some real goals that are believable and achievable. And even if they are not who cares as long as you believe. This is the time to dream big and shoot for the moon and don't let anyone tell you can't. You are still a kid and you should act like one. Take your time growing up don't be in a hurry. You have your whole life for that. Be a rock star, a baseball player, an actor or some other seemingly imposable occupation. Don't just sit around wanting to have sex with your boy friend and think that is going to make you a grown up. It's not it is only going to reinforce the fact that you are still a kid. No job no money no skills and on the verge of having a family. Most teenagers who fall in to this trap are the ones who don't talk to their parents they won't use condoms because they don't know how and  the girls are not on the pill because they are to young and are afraid to tell their parents they mite need them. If they go to the wrong party or over to the wrong persons house it could happen so fast. Then there you are a teenage mother or a little girl in the abortion clinic. Neither one is a good place to be. I was at a basketball tournament last weekend and one of the teams had a young lady who looked to be 15 or 16 and was caring for her baby in between games and her mother was there telling her she was wasting her time playing ball with a baby to take care of and she needed to grow up. All I could think of was she can't grow up she is just a young girl. It does not matter if she has a baby or not she is still a kid.. So there is the dilemma when teenagers start having sex and trying to grow up to fast. Talk to your teenagers all the time and try to see where they are and what you need to be talking about with them. Get them the pill tell the boys how to use condoms. You have to be proactive here if you wait to react it may be to late..
                                                 ONE MANS OPINION


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