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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday and no Rapture

I am so disappointed this morning I was suppose to be in the presents of my lord today yes I was going to be raptured out yesterday The man in California said it He even bought a large billboard stating the fact that the 21st of May was judgement day and the Bible guarantees it. Now in the aftermath it seems he was mistaken or perhaps misleading now which is it is he a stupid man who can not interpret scripture and has a limited proficiency in Mathematics. and just made a simple mistake. Or is he a little more sinister I don't have all the facts but was this man selling some type of prayer packet to help people be raptured out is this a for profit event. You create a need and then you fill it. I am not sure but if this man was doing something to this effect. Is he not liable for fraud. It will be interesting to see if there are any repercussions coming from this whole fiasco.
 But hasn't this happened many times before some religious fanatic says the end is coming and a lot of under educated people fall pray to a predator who is out to separate them from their money.Sell everything you own a give it to the church because you don't need it no more you are going to go to heaven on this day or that. And the church can use it to convert more people after the rapture. The poor souls who are left behind the sinners the unbelievers the infidels. I think the rapture happened but no one was worthy it's like Sodom and Gomorrah. If you can find 50 good men I won't destroy the city's well maybe 10 well maybe you should get your brother and his shit out of there. So who would know if the rapture happened or not. This country is one of the most corrupt evil country's in the world. Money greed sex violence lying cheating stealing this place is full of it. And at all levels well it was just a little white lie. I did not won't to hurt their feelings. Well then don't be an asshole.. Then you can tell the truth..If you sell some one something for more than it is worth that is stealing. You are a thief . And this is America I am so sorry we did not get captured I mean raptured


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