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Thursday, January 20, 2011


Last night was our last Mob game it was not much of a contest. We won by a score of 32 to 8 we were asked to stop pressing at the start of the 4th quarter. Because unknown to me they were a team with problems. In the hall before the game the coach of the other team and one of his parents got into an argument
apparently they were talking about playing time and who was a better player and who should play more at one point the parent said something very rude and made a little girl cry. Then went on to say how his daughter was the best player in Lubbock and the coach was not playing her enough. And that is why they were not winning. This is what happens when you make winning your priority. I am sorry to tell you this but winning is not the reason for playing games. Learning to play the game and have fun is the number one reason .Next is developing your skills getting better. Then Sportsmanship how to win with grace and how to lose with dignity. And keep your head up at all times. I tell all my teams I coach there are two reasons we play basketball Number one it's Fun And number two we are good at it. And there is only one way to coach young kids here it is you educate  and motivate you tell them what you what them to do then you tell them how good they are doing it. And that is it there is no room for a critic or a fault finder. Fault finders need not apply. When someone is doing there best and trying there hardest there is only room for praise. I heard a coach tell a girl in one of our games that is not your shot you don't take that shot you are to far out. Well the girl was short and could not shoot inside she would get blocked. So when she got outside she shot the ball
and the way I look at it a missed shot is a good pass when you rebound. Don't look at it as a missed shot see it as a good pass. Knucklehead look at the whole game and missed shots and rebounds are a big part of it. So if you take this approach to coaching and everything is positive you will have a better re pour with your players and with your parents. And parents can have unrealistic expectations about there children's athletic abilities. Just try and be fair and supportive.  I was lucky this year I got a group of great girls and nice parents..And like most things in life there are a few bumps along the way no matter how smooth the road is.
So if you sign your kid up for Little League or Little Dribblers just be sure to take it with a grain of salt and remember your kid is probably not going to be the next Tiger Woods, Michael Jordon, Sheryl Swoops if you were not a great athlete chances are your kid will not be either. But that does not mean they can't have fun playing sports. And be good school players...


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