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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Money and Power

You know its not a big world anymore as a matter of fact it is a small world. That is right it use to be the world was huge hard to get around different cultures religions peoples skin colors all making for suspicions
and distrustfulness and exploitation of people who are not the same as you they are not as human as you they don't deserve your respect or consideration. That is the way it use to be and to some it is still the same. They don't respect different people hell some don't even respect there own kind. They will exploit there own population just as readily as anyone else. For what money and power that is right people don't care about your God the color of your skin the culture you were born in to. All people care about in this world is Power Power to travel Power to live in a large house with lots of servants to do everything for you Power for your children do as they please. Power to posses all the toys that make you think you are happy. The Cars the boats the airplanes the house at the beach the house in the mountains The house in the city the house in the country.Go to the mountains to ski after the first snows Then down to the Islands to be warm in the winter.
Keep moving so you don't get bored or God forbid fall in to a rut or a routine.
 Most people who live like this are empty in side that is why they keep moving and buying to fill the hole in their soul. Until there is no new place to go and no new toy to buy. Then they become bitter and cruel to there servants. And try to get pleasure through someone else is pain. This is the sick fate of rich people all because Greed is their God. Their food does not taste good their sex is unfulfilling their relation ships are warped and twisted All about using their money to manipulate. So the world has not gotten smaller but there are a lot more of these praises moving around on it use way more resources than they should. And lets face it. It has been this way scene time began. With slavery in the past and now economic slavery. Every person on this planet should be entitled to live life and be happy and not a slave to someone else be it physically or economically there is enough resources if you eliminate the greedy people Get rid of the Greed System the POWER of MONEY. A horse wants to run. A cat wants to hunt. A bird wants to fly. A man wants to do what he does. WE need to evolve past Money. This is just my opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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