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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I forgot it was 9/11 because it is something that should be forgotten. The memory of destruction of a public place because of unethical trade practices by our government and big businesses in this country is not something I would like to remember. And the fact that it could have been avoided with a less greedy approach to world trade. Is ashamed for the people who were working there and got caught up in the conflict and lost their lives.  But that is what happens when you cheat and steal from countries that are smaller than you they can't fight you militarily they resort to terrorism. It has been the same since the Roman Empire. Or as far back as Egypt. When you exploit your neighbors so you can make a profit on their resources or labor it is just a matter of time before someone revolts against you. Our government know this most of the people in the government are not stupid. And the military is payed to stay on top of all these situations. Because our business are out there trying to get the best deal they can by any means possible. Our system like all systems since the dawn of time works on greed. The cheaper you can buy it the more money you make. The more you can sell the more you make. Its all based on greed And greed is not honest And greed does not have a social conscience.And greed does not care how many oriental prostitutes it takes to pay the rent as long as it is payed. And you say we are not apart of that. That is not our problem. But really you are the problem every time you go to Walmart and buy a shirt sewn together by a 10 year old kid That as soon as she turns 13 they will make a working girl out of her cause she can make more money that way for awhile. This is life for a lot of people in this world. So when you think about 9/11 think about what you can do to fix this shit. Not waving you flag and praying for dead people...That is not the lesson here. Its when a farmer in China makes the same money as a DR. in New York City And if we can't fix this. Its just a matter of time before some crazy person get hold of the big bomb and blows up more than just a few buildings. STOP THE GREED BEFORE IT KILLS US ALL.One mans Opinion                       

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