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Friday, September 28, 2012

Fight or Flight

This is programed in to our DNA  When confronted by a situation that evokes fear we react in one way or the other. Stand and fight or run for your life Now on the savannas of Africa this was a pretty easy choice. Most times we being slow relatively small mammals with no large teeth or claws. We better run up a tree and try to get away. But as we became more the masters of our environment the choice becomes more difficult to make. With the stone axe and bow and arrow and spear now the predator starts to look like prey that is so stupid it will come to you.But we still have this fight or flight mentality build into us. And there are times in modern life when this get in our way. Some times you should stand and discuss the problem But you are afraid to so you put it off and put it off. And young people get in to a car accident they are more likely to run from the scene because of fear. Even though it may just be a fender bender no big deal. When you get scared you are programed to run its just that simple. Or fight...And if there is nothing there to fight you run.. So next time you hear of some kid leaving the scene of a accident don't jump to conclusions about their character. They mite of been scared.. One Mans Opinion      

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