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Sunday, September 23, 2012


 Drugs are a important part of the world we live in. Yes without the plants and chemicals that makeup our modern pharmacy. Mankind would be in a sad shape without them. One of the main things would be pain. Pain management with the use of drugs has made great strides in the last few hundred years. Antibiotics are a great life saver with infections. There are all kinds of drugs out there doing great thing for the quality of life. Then on the other hand there are a lot of drugs out there that are just for people to medicate themselves. And in my opinion most people who take these drugs are doing so because they have a chemical imbalance in there brains or their home life and situation is intolerable so they try and escape reality chemically. Human beings are just  chemical and electrical machine moving around this planet  Bouncing off of one another in relationships and work situations And some people find it hard to cope with modern society. The clock is a big problem for some. Be here this time or that time. It starts to wear on some after a while. Noise I don't think humans are good at handling it at the level  the modern world dishes it out. Cars, trains, planes, boats, saws, air compressor, anything with a motor gas or electric. TV radio concerts media noise.  We are constantly surrounded by noise. You can't get away from it. Motion we move so much now here there everywhere always on the, trains, planes, we move faster than we ever have its not natural. We see so much  TV, movies, computers, cell phones we are bombarded by images everyday sometimes all day long and all night. Thank you mister Edison for the light bulb now we can work all day and all night. The food we now enjoy is from all over the world. The tastes and smells are as different as the places they come from. So even our mouths are being overloaded. It is not hard to see this modern world is exposing people to moods and sensations they would normally not be accustomed to. And if you can't get out physically you do so chemically by using some drug to let you escape your reality. So if its Alcohol, Caffeine, Nicotine, Marijuana, Cocaine, Meth, Heroin,or some other chemical. Don't be to hard on people who can't cope with modern society. Everyone uses some type of  chemical to get along in the world..  One Mans Opinion                    

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