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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Voice A Rant

Here I am a voice in the wilderness in the back waters the sticks the part of the world no one cares about . Its to small to have a say in anything  Its a no where place few people live here and the ones who do are so wrapped up in making a living they have no time for such things as thought or beliefs or causes. Even religion is put on the back burner Oh people go to Church but only as long as it don't interfere with there business or money interest. They will quit a Church in a minute if it starts taking to much of there time and money. That is why we have so many and all are half full every Sunday. People get mad and move from one to the other they are not looking for God they are looking for acceptance from the people in the Church. Its all a crock of shit that they are peddling Not one ounce of true in a thousand gallons of it. These Guys or Preachers what ever you want to call them are just one or two great sermons away from becoming JIM JONES Religious tyrants control freaks with power hungry minds and Self righteous motives they all want to be God themselves. And if they can control enough dim witted people they can obtain a certain amount of influence and power if you will in this small area of the country where no one gives to much thought to them and there little games.     If you put people in a position of power who would normally never be able to reach that status on there own you are in control of that person now totally  They will do anything you tell them once they have become intoxicated by the power. You see people don't really want money they want respect and power. Before money the biggest and the smartest people in the tribe got the most respect but everyone got some degree of respect based on who you were. Now people try to look down there noses at people who they think are not as good as they are. We have a real problem with this in this country everyone has a poker face and thinks they are better than every one else. When in reality no one is any better than any one else. Every body's shit stinks White Black Brown Yellow Rich Poor Educated Uneducated.  Some people inherit vast sums of money from relatives that makes them better than everyone else. Or land or business that run themselves and they just wait on the money to roll in. They are better than everyone else. Or there grandfather was a bootlegger in the 20's and got rich cause he was a crook that didn't get caught. Now his family is better than everyone else. Or the person who was so poor he had to struggle through collage because his family had no money and he wanted a decent job. Now he is better than everyone else. Or was he just to lazy to work out side with the men He had to go to school to get a job inside with the women.. Some of the stupidest and laziest people I have ever met were educated. And its a good thing they were cause if they had not been they would have starved to death. Those that can't do teach... This is just another rant or One mans Opinion...         

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