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Monday, September 10, 2012

Pork and Rice

Here is one of my best recipes for a home cooked supper If you like the pig yes the other white meat and the meat with the most flavor. The tenderest meat there is Anyway here is what you do.You get a larger skillet cast iron if you have it if not any large pan will do. Now slice up some garlic about three cloves fry it in olive oil.until golden brown add one chopped up onion brown edges of the onion and add salt and pepper to taste Now put in about 5 large pork chops diced cut up in little squares. Add a little more oil and brown the meat on all sides. Now add two carrots and three celery stocks This is high heat so be sure to keep an eye on it. just a few minutes after the carrots and celery are in put three cups of water or just cover everything with water it depends on how big your pan it. Now make up two packages of brown gravy and pour in the mix. Bring to a boil. At this point be sure to season to taste with salt and pepper. Turn the oven on about 225 degrees low heat put it in the oven covered for about 2 or 3 hours. Make some rice right before you are about to serve and some frozen egg rolls or home made egg rolls if you like them better. A honey mustard sauce and a hot ketchup sauce. One part ketchup a little olive oil salt pepper vinegar Tabasco worcestershire soy sauce stir it up this is great for dipping your egg rolls in. I know if you try this you will enjoy it.........                      

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