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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Hole in your Soul

  I have a niece but  I will not use her name in this piece because it's personal to say the least. But she called me the other day and was asking me a lot of questions about her mother and father and why she was done the way she was. She was taken away when she was young and put into foster care as a result of an abusive
situation I am not going to go into details because it was along time ago and it is not important to the article.
 Well really it is important it is the whole point of the piece but not the gory details. It's like this in this modern
society we live in everyone has a hole in there soul it's a void inside that they try and fill with something. You
are not pretty enough your not big enough your not smart enough you don't have enough money you have to much money your black your brown your white your insecure you were abused as a child this is one of the
largest holes to fill. Your bald you are to hairy your fat your to skinny you are to good looking something is wrong with you I don't care who you are everyone feels this way sometimes or all the time.
  Now we have all of these substances that alter our state of consciousness and allow us to be happy with ourselves when we are using them and they are Alcohol, Pot, Cocaine, Heroin,Nicotine, Caffeine
Money yes money is one of the substances people abuse to over come filings of inadequacies that is what drives most people to overachieve  yes successful people are real insecure people work and money is there drugs. The population of America is way over drugged because we live in an unnatural life of over worked under payed and constant pressure for more, more, more, and more. The more Monster is on everyone's back telling them you need a bigger house you need a better car you need to move to a bigger city more things there more opportunities. more kids more friends more shit you need more SHIT.
  The problem is none of this stuff makes you happy it does for a few minutes but it don't last unless you are so fucking shallow you truly believe a new car can fill your spiritual needs the hole in your soul and there are people out there who are that shallow. They are like the cat in the yard all they see is the mouse to eat they don't think about taking the mouses life. But for most of us caring people we feel this way at some time or  another and you just have to come to the conclusion you have to be happy with who you are because you can't be someone else and you would not be happy as them either. and if someone tries to put you down they are just showing there insecurity that's right they are so weak they need to feel superior to you so they put you down to build them self's up all they are showing is there weakness feel sorry for that person they have real emotional problems. They could be homosexual this is a big hole I am not good enough for the opposite sex so I will have relationships with my own gender that way if I am rejected I won't care..
  Just be happy in your own skin and realize this is your life and you live it the way you won't and do the best you can and remember being rich and famous just shows how insecure you are and in 50 years nobodies
going to remember who you where. Nothing really matters it's all in don't take your self to serious..
If you think you are really good at something you are probably not.. If you are constantly working to get better at something then you probably are......


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