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Monday, December 6, 2010

Couch Potato

Have no beer Couch Potato is here Yes that world famous super hero Master of the couch, recliner and all other living room furniture. He is a real spud able to with stand large amounts of heat without getting soft.
All ways finding just the right amount of change under the cushions to handle any money problems.
Every woman's dream mate cold beer in one hand newspapers strode about scratching and burping at just the precise moments. A well in formed intellectual masquerading as a boob incogneto to insure he always
 upstages the competition James Bond would come in a distant second to this super spy. Superman would be left in the dust behind Couch Potato. It's all in the credo Don't worry about the little shit and its all little shit.
 That pretty much takes care of all the problems of the world. You live you die its over that's it. Its all little shit know matter how important you think you are you are not your just little shit. One little ant on a planet of 5 billion if you had a brain maybe you could under stand how insignificant your life is to this planet most if not all can not grasp that number. But one can yes out of the darkness comes Couch Potato yes with a brain large enough to understand He is all head and he is all brain he is not a turkey drowning in the rain.
He is the one who sits there and has all the answers to all the situations So when you face a dilemma something has gone askew. Couch Potato's the one to tell your issues to. Yes good counseling is the cornerstone to success. With out good advice when you are young it is hard to amount to anything in this life.
The catch is you have to take the advice and use it. So listen to you enter Couch Potato and relax.
Life is to short for drugs alcohol and all that crap Take it from Couch Potato just lay down and take a nap.

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