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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Robots Are Coming

That is right my oldest daughter was telling me the other day that some show she was watching said the peak of the US economy and power was between 1960 and 1990 Our country is going down hill and will never be as good as it was then we are doomed. Well after the Civil war they said this country was doomed then and the south would never be the same. They were wrong... During the 1930 the depression years they said this country was doomed and would never be the same again. They were wrong... So to say that those were the glory years of this country is ridiculous.Who ever said that can't see passed the nose on there face.
 For one thing the 60's were not a great time to be alive civil rights drugs low wages a real war with China the counter culture lying to people and ruining there lives. The oppression in this country was unbelievable.
 The 70's our president was a crook and got caught one corrupted bunch after another then the economy went to hell interest rates sored 17 to 20 % prime impossible to get money unemployment over the top We survived on government cheese. One February 1978 I can remember all I had to eat was peanut butter and popcorn for a whole month and no work. And the 80's were about the same it's like someone turns the handle and there is work for a few years then they turn it off. By far the best ten years I ever seen was from 1995 to 2005 now they have turned it off again. But I am getting off point. Here is what I am getting at at the turn of the 1900's the internal combustion engine changed this country hell the whole world power to go and do things that were unthinkable just a few years before. And we road that wave all the way through the 1900's now at the end of the century came the computer. What a break through knowledge is power. And instant on demand knowledge is the most powerful thing to happen to this country since the gasoline engine. If you know how to use it Now what is the next big thing coming that will change human life I believe it is ROBOTS yes my cell phone has more computing power than the first computer I got and that was 10 years age As they get faster and smaller and cheaper and we can develop batteries we will have robots to work for us then the sky is the limit. The sooner we go electric cars the sooner batteries will be invented to make robots practical who ever does that will be the next Bill Gates. How many years and materials did Edison try
before he made a light bulb work it seems easy now but it wasn't then.I think the batteries are already out there but the oil companies will not let them out. And solar the sun puts out so much energy everyday we should be able to use that energy. Oil should just be used as a lubercant  So lets go electric and get the robots here. Really your washing machine dishwasher coffee maker lawnmower these are just a few machines that we use everyday to help us do things now we need that machine that does everything we can do. That will change this world.........That will give us more time to write songs and have sex with each other play games. Focus on being human not on your silly job or money.....       

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