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Thursday, December 2, 2010

How to swing a Golf Club

Now you would think it is easy to swing a golf club you just grab it and swing. Unfortunately that is not the case maybe 50 years ago you could get away with that however with today stellar athletes and coaches and sports physiologist. You have to have a correct golf swing to be able to move the ball far enough to compete.
 So most men or boys whatever the case maybe usually start in this country playing baseball and you are thought to swing the bat with you arms its all upper body now that's fine for that game but not for golf.
 In golf you are trying to move the ball to a specific spot or target and the ball is not moving so you can take your time and be very precise and in so doing you can think about weight transfer witch is the key to being able to move the ball far.
 There are three problems that plague the average golfer 1. ((Jerking off the ball)) 2. ((A violent transition at the top)) 3 (( Not clearing your hips))
 Here are some drill and thoughts to help fix this shit a lot of this stuff I did not come up with I got most from playing with people over the years. The simplest way to explain it is ((((Lag and Drag Babe)))) that is right
don't try and hit the ball drag the club through it.. How do you do that??? Well we will get to that .
 1.Jerking off the ball that is when you get your club way ahead of your body turn.Start your swing with a little forward press just tilt your hands slightly forward that is the key to engage your left shoulder  your left shoulder moves the club head.. Let the weight of the club head set your wrists at the top that's the LAG. Relax your hands arms and shoulders they only hold the club you are not going to hit the ball with your arms and shoulders ever again. Its not a bat its a whip think of putting all your weight into the head of the club.
2.When you get to the top and you are in the LAG and the weight of the club head is setting your wrist there is a half a second pause now fire your lower body. Don't throw the club from the top with your arms and shoulders trying to kill the ball like you have always done. This is where you come over the top and hit all those slices to the right you cast the club like a fishing pole Start your swing with your hips and legs that's right move the ball with your legs your big muscles.
3.Now clear your hips get to your left side you don't hit the ball out in front of you any more you drop the club into the slot or pocket and DRAG the club through the ball with all your weight being transferred to the club head and ball You almost have to look over your right shoulder to see the club hit the ball. I know all you baseball players are going crazy thinking that won't work well let me tell you it's the only way it does work
next time its cold and windy and you are watching golf on TV really watch how the pros are swinging and you will see it especially when they do the slow motion footage this is what they all do at the moment of impact
they have cleared their hips and are pulling the club through the ball with a strong left side Yes hit the ball with your left side you can take your right hand off the club that's right it gets in the way at lest take your right thumb and first finger off the club put all the work on the left side.It makes it easier to release the club head
Lets don't forget a strong routine SEE IT. Get behind the ball line it up pick your target pick an intermediate target Then you say I am going to hit the ball right there FEEL IT Now take one or two practice swings feel the shot Then you say to your self I am going to hit the ball right there.Say it out loud it don't count if you don't say it out loud. MAKE IT That's right make it happen its no big deal just hit the little ball to the spot your looking at. You take one last look and you say I am going to hit the ball right there out loud. When you get on the golf course you have one thought I AM GOING TO HIT THE BALL RIGHT THERE every time
if you are thinking of something else you are getting in your own way mentally and know golf swing in the world can help you If you can't focus on that one simple task I AM GOING TO HIT THE BALL RIGHT THERE.. Oh and have fun playing... 

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